Tips for Yoga @ Home 🏡
/Can you bring to mind the feeling you have after taking a really great yoga class? You feel lighter and relaxed and have an insight or two? Maybe it was that you really worked hard and persevered through the practice. Or you were able to quiet your mind, even with all that you have going on.
This past weekend, in the training I'm leading, I had students journal about a favourite yoga class and consider what made it so special. Was it the setting or the teacher? Was it the sequence or cueing? Or was it just that magical place in time where your mind and body came together? I encourage you to consider a positive yoga experience and what made it so special.
We all know the benefits of yoga - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I've heard it said many times that we don't really fully understand the benefits of a yoga practice until we stop practicing for a period of time. I know many people are feeling tired of being at home and have trouble setting boundaries between work and home and getting on their mat. I've had some very positive yoga practices at home and it can be done! Here are a few tips to set yourself up for a regular yoga practice by:
1. Commit to a regular practice and schedule it in
2. Have a yoga space that is quiet and away from others in the home
3. Set up your mat and props in the same way each time
4. Have an object you enjoy looking at nearby (I have a plant and wall hanging)
5. Optional: use essential oils to help you transition into "yoga time"
I hope this helps you to #unrollthemat 😉 and experience the benefits of yoga yourself.