Spring is for cleaning up and clearing out 💐đŸ§č

Spring is here 💐 Flowers are blooming in the Ottawa/Gatineau area and, as the days get longer, I find myself pulled more into the present moment. I sense the sun’s warmth on my skin, hear the baby birds chirping in their nests and notice the lingering signs of winter melting away.

This is famously the time of year when people begin cleaning up and clearing out – whether it's excess clothes, clutter or energies they’ve accumulated over the long winter months. It’s often called “Spring Cleaning” but let’s look at it through an Ayurvedic lens.

Rather than seasons, Ayurveda divides the year according to the most prevalent dosha. The period right now is Kapha, which means the heaviness of the last few months may still feel palpable. Lucky for us, the rain showers present an (energetic and actual) opportunity to cleanse, clear out, and emerge renewed.

Let me ask you this: what do you need to eliminate to move into the summer months lighter and more revitalized?

P.S. In the spirit of Kapha, I invite you to (virtually) join my Mother’s FĂȘte class on Sunday, May 8 to honour the flow of life. Whether your mom is living or has passed, this is your opportunity to connect to the maternal archetype for healing and celebration. Especially if you can’t be with your mom this Mother’s Day, it’s a beautiful chance to practice gratitude as you shed what no longer serves you.