😴 The impact of Yoga Nidra

I hope you’ve been staying warm and cozy - especially if you're in the Ottawa area! This cold snap has given me unexpected time to relax by the fire and snuggle the kitties. The quiet and stillness this season brings is magical and helps me to centre and ground myself.

I’ve been talking a lot on doing more of that. I know, this time of year always brings so many â€œresolutions” and large promises to ourselves. Let's be honest - you may have already realized you couldn’t achieve some of those, one month into 2023! Instead of feeling badly, take an opportunity to ground down and look inward, so you can understand yourself more. An excellent way go inwards is through the practice of Yoga Nidra, or â€œYogic sleep”. During this time, the mind remains awake and aware, which allows you to access deeper levels of consciousness. In this state, long-held mental and emotional patterns can be brought to light and, over time, changed with the use of intention. 

Yoga Nidra has been found to be effective in the treatment of stress-related illnesses including insomnia, anxiety, and depression. This practice can also be helpful in boosting immune system function and overall health. Ultimately, Yoga Nidra can help people to lead more integrated, genuine, and contented lives.

On March 10-12, my good friend, Chantal Houde and I will be hosting a 20-hour Yoga Nidra Training! From the foundations of Yoga Nidra, its effects and benefits, to the science behind it all and incorporating the styles and movements in your own classes, we will be there to teach you everything! We are also there to guide you, answer all of your questions and work with you to be able to offer this very important style of yoga to your students! The 3-day training includes one online session and two in-person days at my Unroll the Mat studio - complete with nourishing lunches!

If you’re looking for a Yoga Nidra practice to try yourself, check out one of my practices here. It can be a great resource for helping you to drift off to sleep, but also during the day when you're feeling low energy.

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate in reaching out to me! Chantal and I look forward sharing this powerful and informative training with you.