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Chakra Yoga

  • Unroll the Mat (online) Ottawa Canada (map)
Cat Doyle Chakra Yoga

Understanding the chakra system and the subtle energies, gives you a guide as to where to release stuck energy and process life experiences. This can help you to let go of habits and patterns that are no longer serving you and shift to a higher level of living.

In this class, you will learn about the powerful energy centres in your body and how to balance them. You may discover where in your body you need to pay more attention and the corresponding energy imbalances. Chakra Yoga is for all levels.

You will leave the practice feeling restored and rejuvenated.

Cost: $20

Date: Wednesday December 20, 2023

Time: 7 - 8:15PM EDT via Zoom (recording will be sent to you afterwards and available for seven days)

Please have your yoga mat set up and props nearby. *No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Please contact Cat if this applies to you.


7:00-7:15pm: Presentation about the chakras; what is energy, where are the energy centres, and how imbalances show up in our lives

7:15-8:00pm: Yoga practice including mantra (sounds) and mudras (energetic locks), designed to get energy flowing

8:00-8:15pm: Breathwork, Savasana and guided meditaion

Questions and chat!

Chakra Yoga
Balance My Energy
Earlier Event: December 1
Yoga Nidra Training