Essential Oil Cider

essential oil cider cat doyle

Ahh fall!

The leaves are getting crispy, Iā€™m bundling up in cozy scarves and sweaters and all I want is a hot drink in my hand. Iā€™m not a coffee drinker (gasp!) and I drink a lot of herbal tea but apple cider is a healthy sweet treat. I came up with this recipe for cider one day when we had run out of a few spices. It is a perfect blend of sweet and spicy on a blustery day.

Make sure to use only high quality essential oils (I use doTERRA) and less is more, as they are super concentrated.

Cat's Instant Spiced Hot Apple Cider

2L Apple Cider
1 drop Wild Orange
1 drop Cinnamon (or Cassia)
1 drop Clove Bud
1 drop Cardamom
Optional: dash of cayenne

Combine all ingredients in a large pot or slow cooker and heat thoroughly. Pour into mugs and garnish with a cinnamon stick and enjoy!

**To make just one mug, dip a toothpick into a bottle to get just a little of each essential oil and swirl into hot apple cider.**

If you want to know more about essential oils or how to get them in your life, please reach out to me!