Retreat to Reset

I can’t believe we’re already through the first half of September! I hope by now everyone has settled back into their normal routines and feels like they have a better handle on things after the shift and change the Fall always brings. We started our Fall 12 Week Livestream Session and it has felt so good to recommit to a regular practice and to see all of your lovely faces again!

While many of us thrive on routine, it’s equally beneficial to make sure we are also scheduling time to pause, rest, reflect and return to our day-to-day schedules feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup and this has never felt truer in today’s fast paced and constantly connected world. If you’re feeling the same calling to step away, I have a few upcoming retreats where you can do just that.

My Back to Balance Retreat is less than a month away and there’s still a couple of spots left! Join us in the Laurentian Mountains October 14 - 17 for a yoga and hiking retreat set against the backdrop of mountain peaks, fall colours and 125 acres of nature. This is an excellent time to step away from the daily routine and recommit to your own health and wellness journey, all while taking inspiration from nature.

Looking for an extended break? My Beachfront Yoga and Nature Retreat with Meghan Trevorrow in stunning Costa Rica is coming up soon! Join us in sunny Montezuma November 12 - 18 for daily yoga practices, meditations in nature, endless white sand beaches and hikes in the Costa Rican jungle. Your week-long stay can be customized to be as relaxed or spirited as you wish.

As one of our past attendees shared, “You two are amazing teachers and it was a pleasure to retreat with both of you. You compliment each other so well and your zest for adventure was great. A great combination of yoga, meditation & excursions. Thank you!”

If you have any questions at all about these retreats or future ones, please reach out any time!