Try something new

I loved the fresh snow we received and took it as the perfect opportunity to get out and enjoy it! My husband and I also celebrated our 7th anniversary on the weekend. It was so nice to be able to pause on a long weekend and raise a toast to us!

As we head toward the end of winter, I always find it the perfect time to check in with myself and my plans for the year. Did I want to try anything new yet that I haven’t had the opportunity to do yet? Did I want to learn a new skill and now is the right time? As we head into the end of the first quarter of the new year, I want to ask you – is there anything new you want to try?

And speaking of new things, I have a few spaces remaining for my two upcoming trainings in March! On the weekend of March 10 - 12, I will be co-hosting a Yoga Nidra training with the lovely Chantal Houde. This course will give you the knowledge and tools to share this transformational method of healing with your community. The training will include a mix of online and in person offerings where we take a deep dive on the many benefits of this ancient “yogic sleep.” If you’re looking to deepen your practice of Yoga Nidra, this one is for you.

Toward the end of next month, from March 31 - April 2, I will be hosting a 25-hour Yin + Aroma Training. This training will help you create an experience that indulges the senses with essential oils to pair with your yin classes. As a past student shared, “Cat’s Aromatherapy classes are truly a gift to slow down. I trust her kindness in teaching from her heart which helps me lean into the postures while soaking up knowledge she imparts about essential oils.” Doing my own Yin training with Bernie Clark allowed me to step into my authentic voice as a teacher and I’d love to share it with you.

If either of these courses speak to you, I’d love to welcome you! They are designed for yoga teachers and interested students. Early bird rates apply for the Yin + Aroma Training until Feb 28th!